
Stay in and Get Toastyy

Cooking with Toastyy

As winter approaches and snowy days draw near, stepping out to get your morning latte can start to feel like more of a task than a treat. Stay in and get Toastyy instead! With just a few simple ingredients and your Toastyy Tinctures, your favorite teas, coffees and treats can all be made at home! In this post we will be sharing two cafe inspired recipes, both infused with Toastyy CBD tinctures.


Here’s what you’ll need:
(This recipe is split up into 3 parts, see all parts for ingredient breakdown)

  • Donut pan
  • Non-stick spray


Lemon Lavender Infused Sugar:

  • 3/4 cups of cane sugar
  • 1 TSP of dried lavender
  • 2 TSP of lemon zestDoughnut mix:
  • 1/2 dropper of Toastyy’s Full Spectrum Orange 900mg tincture (1mL)
  • 1 cup of oat or almond milk
  • 1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 TBSP unsweetened apple sauce
  • 1 TSP vanilla extract
  • 1 3/4 cups pastry flour
  • 1/2 TSP salt
  • 2 TSP baking powder
  • 3/4 cups lavender infused sugar *above recipe

Doughnut glaze:

  • 1 cup sifted powdered sugar
  • 1 TBSP lemon juice
  • 1-2 TSP of lemon zest


For the Lemon Lavender Infused sugar

  1. In a small blender, add in ½ of the cane sugar with all of your dried lavender and lemon zest. Blend 2-3 minutes until a well-blended powdered sugar forms.
  2. Add the blended sugar mix to a small container and mix in the remaining half of the sugar. You can use the sugar right away or let it sit for up to 1 week for a stronger flavor.

For the Lemon Lavender Donuts:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 F.
  2. Add the oat/almond milk and apple cider vinegar to a large mixing bowl and use a fork or whisk to combine. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes until the milk slightly curdles and forms a “vegan buttermilk”.
  3. Once the milk has curdled, add in the lavender lemon infused sugar, olive oil, apple sauce, Toastyy CBD and vanilla bean paste/extract. Whisk to combine.
  4. Next, add in the pastry flour, salt, and baking powder. Make sure to add the pastry flour first and pile the other ingredients on top. Then, use the whisk to mix into a thick batter. Do not over mix the batter- some lumps are okay as long as there are no large streaks of flour throughout.
  5. Prep your donut pan by spraying it with nonstick spray.
  6. Bake at 350F for 11-13 minutes. For my oven, I found the doughnuts were best at 12 minutes. The donuts should be firm enough to remove from the pan without breaking, yet not browned and crunchy.
  7. Invert the cooked donuts onto a cooling rack to release. Let cool to room temperature before dipping into the glaze.

For the Lemon Lavender Glaze:

  1. Add the sifted powdered sugar, lemon juice, and lemon zest to a bowl and use a fork to whisk together until a thick glaze forms.
  2. Dunk the cooled donuts into the glaze and add on any toppings including lemon zest, dried lavender, or fresh slices of lemon.
  3. Let the donuts dry on a cooling rack until the glaze hardens. Then, serve and enjoy! Recipe courtesy of

Toastyy Tips:

  • You can let the mixture sit overnight before baking to allow the lavender flavor to better steep into the batter.
  • Either our Vanilla Broad Spectrum or Orange Full Spectrum tincture taste great in this recipe!
    There’s a latte love about CBD! From stress and anxiety relief, to reducing inflammation, the effects of CBD can help improve your overall mood. Below we are sharing how to make the perfect pick-me-up, a Toastyy chai latte.


Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 4-6 drops of Toastyy’s Vanilla Broad Spectrum Tincture
  • 1/4 cups of water
  • 2 chai tea bags
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 TSP sugar
  • 3/4 cups of milk
  • Ice *optional


  1. In a small pot, heat 1/4 cups of water and cinnamon stick until the water comes to a low boil.
  2. Pour water into a mug and steep your chai tea.
  3. After 3-5 minutes, remove the tea bags and cinnamon stick. Add in sugar and mix until dissolved.
  4. In a glass, mix together milk and Toastyy CBD.
  5. Pour in the tea concentrate you just created. Serve either hot or over ice. Enjoy!

Toastyy Tips:

  • This can be made with other black teas!
  • This can be made with other black teas! You can also add in one shot of espresso to make it a dirty chai.

Matcha Lovers Recipies

Matcha Lovers – Cooking with Toastyy:

Matcha lovers, this ones for you! It’s no secret that matcha has become a household staple for wellness focused caffeine drinkers everywhere. With health benefits like boosting brain function and promoting heart health, this antioxidant rich tea is a cult favorite for a reason. In this recipe we are using matcha in a non-traditional way to bake CBD white chocolate matcha cookies. Not only do they taste amazing, but you will receive the benefits of CBD and matcha! Grab your Toastyy Tincture and let’s get baking.


Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 1 TBSP culinary grade matcha
  • 1-2 cups white chocolate chips
  • 1 Full dropper of Toastyy’s Full Spectrum Vanilla 900mg tincture (1mL)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/3 cups of flour
  • 1/2 TSP baking soda
  • 1/2 cup butter – softened
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 1 TSP vanilla


For the donuts:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 F.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, matcha and baking soda. Set aside.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix together butter, sugar, brown sugar, egg, vanilla and Toastyy CBD. Mix until well combined and fluffy.
  4. Slowly add the dry matcha flour mixture into the wet ingredient mixture, stir until there are very few flour bits visible.
  5. Add chocolate chips to the batter and stir.
  6. Scoop the dough into 1 inch balls and place 2 inches apart on a baking sheet.
  7. Cook for 10-15 minutes until the tops and bottoms of the cookies start to turn a light golden brown.

Is matcha not your thing? Check out this coffee recipe that might look a little familiar. Dolgona coffee was a TikTok sensation in 2020, and we’re making it with Toastyy!


Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 5 drops of Toastyy’s Broad Spectrum Vanilla 1800mg Tincture
  • 2 TBSP instant coffee
  • 2 TBSP sugar
  • 2 TBSP water
  • 1 cup of milk
  • ice (optional)


Whisk together the water, coffee, sugar and Toastyy CBD until the mixture becomes fluffy. 2. Place the coffee foam on top of your milk and serve!

Toastyy Tips:

  • You can add your Toastyy CBD to either the coffee mixture or the milk.
  • This recipe can be made hot or cold! If you prefer hot coffee, warm your milk before placing the coffee mixture on top.

No Tricks, Just Treats

No Tricks, Just Treats – Cooking with Toastyy:

Eat, drink and be scary! This Halloween were putting a spooky spin on the familiar, turning recipes like the traditional matcha latte and sugar cookies into bewitching Halloween themed CBD treats! It is no secret that ingesting CBD can reap amazing benefits for our body and minds. From reducing internal inflammation to combatting feelings stress and anxiety, CBD can be a great addition to your cooking essentials. Grab your Toastyy tincture and let’s get started.


Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 1 TSP matcha powder
  • 1 TSP activated charcoal powder
  • 1mL of Toastyy’s Broad Spectrum Vanilla Tincture (900mg or 1800mg)
  • 1 cup oat milk
  • 1 TSP honey
  • 1/2 cup hot water


  1. In a bowl, whisk hot water, matcha, activated charcoal, honey, and Toastyy vanilla tincture until well combined, making sure there are no lumps in the mixture.
  2. Pour this mixture over ice and then slowly pour in milk.
  3. Watch this mixture create a spooky smokey look while you sip and enjoy.


Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 1mL of Toastyy’s Broad Spectrum Vanilla Tincture (900mg or 1800mg)
  • 2 sticks unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 TSP vanilla extract
  • 3 TSP baking powder
  • 6 cups flour
  • 1/2 TSP salt
  • 1 container of vanilla frosting
  • Orange food coloring
  • Festive sprinkles


For the icing:

  1. In a medium sized bowl mix together Toastyy CBD, icing and orange food coloring until well combined.

For the cookies:

  1. Preheat oven to 350 F and make sure your butter has been set out to soften.
  2. In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients together: flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
  3. In a separate bowl mix together butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract. Combine this mixture with the dry ingredient mixture.
  4. Either by hand or using stand mixer, stir the wet and dry ingredients until the mixture is smooth and well combined.
  5. The dough can either be rolled into small balls or rolled out with a rolling pin and cut into shapes using a cookie cutter. Once the cookies are prepared, place them on a baking sheet about 2 inches apart.
  6. Bake for 10-15 minutes then set aside to cool.
  7. Once cooled, top with icing and sprinkles. Enjoy!

For more CBD infused treat and drink recipes, check out or Instagram highlights. Happy Halloween!


Cooking with Toastyy

Hey Toastyy babes! Have you been thinking about ways to incorporate CBD into your lifestyle routine? One of the most convenient ways is CBD tinctures. Their versatility allows them to be consumed alone or added to food and beverages of your choice, not to mention the amazing mental and physical health benefits that come along with using CBD regularly. This month we’re bring you pumpkin CBD infused recipes so that you too can experience the power of hemp and hemp-derived CBD! So grab your Toastyy Tincture and the items below and let’s get cooking.


Here’s what you’ll need:

For the donuts:

  • Donut pan
  • Non-stick spray
  • 1 dropper of Toastyy’s Full Spectrum Orange 900mg tincture (1mL)
  • 1 spice cake mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 can of pumpkin puree

For the cinnamon sugar topping:

  • 2/3 cups of brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 2 TBSP cinnamon


For the donuts:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 F.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the pumpkin puree, eggs, oil and Toastyy CBD until the mixture is well combined.
  3. Add in the spice cake mix and stir until it is well combined with the other ingredients.
  4. Pour the mixture into a large ziplock bag and cut off a small corner. You can also use a piping bag if you have one, but if not a Ziplock bag will work perfectly fine.
  5. Prep your donut pan by spraying it with nonstick spray.
  6. Pipe the donut mixture into the pan and bake for 15-18 minutes. When you are able to insert a fork or toothpick and it comes out clean, your donuts are ready!
  7. Let the donuts cool while you prepare the cinnamon sugar topping.

For the cinnamon sugar topping:

  1. Melt the butter in the microwave or on a stovetop.
  2. In a separate bowl mix cinnamon and sugar together.
  3. Begin glazing the donuts. You may want to get a large plate or baking sheet out to place the donuts on after they have been coated in the cinnamon sugar. One by one, dip each donut the in the butter and then in the cinnamon sugar topping. Make sure to fully coat the donuts.

Toastyy Tips:

  • You can add your Toastyy CBD to either the butter topping or inside the donut mixture.
  • Either our Vanilla Broad Spectrum or Orange Full Spectrum tincture taste great in this recipe!

Need a drink to pair with your donuts? Reach barista status with this pumpkin cold foam recipe! This cold foam is the perfect addition to any drinks or teas and pairs especially well with an iced cold brew. Here’s how to make it:


Pumpkin Cream Cold Foam:


  • 5 drops of Toastyy’s Broad Spectrum Vanilla 1800mg Tincture
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 TSP Vanilla extract
  • 3 TBSP pumpkin puree
  • 2 TSP pumpkin pie spice


  1. Whisk together the whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla. Whisk in the pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture onto your coffee of choice and serve!

CBD YogaCategoriesBlog

CBD & Yoga

]At Toastyy, yoga is one of our favorite ways to relieve stress while helping us discover our best, shining, radiant selves. Many turn to wellness practices such as mindful meditation/yoga to calm themselves, while reconnecting with their bodies and the universe. To us Toastyy Babes, it puts an emphasis on the “Out with the Old, in with the New” lifestyle!

In one of our previous blogs, we talked about the power of hemp for women. In this blog we’ll touch on how implementing CBD products into your yoga routine can boost your self-care experience.

CBD and Yoga: A Perfect Pairing

It’s safe to say: everyone experiences stress in some form throughout the day, and it has been shown that more and more people use CBD to treat it. But when you combine CBD with yoga, it could help reduce stress, improve your emotional well-being, while also creating a better mind-body connection.

Yoga requires the body to respond with increased flexibility and fluidity, with a well-balanced equilibrium. No matter how intense or how simple it seems, getting in a peaceful, relaxed state is important when adapting to new body movements.

Let’s take a look at some of the science behind the benefits of CBD that could get us in a better state of mind-body consciousness before, during, and after exercise such as yoga.

Improving the Mind & Body Connection with Cannabidiol(CBD)

The Endocannabinoid System is a bridge between the body and mind. Understanding this system is vital in seeing the “mechanism” that connects brain activity and bodily function. Many use cannabis extracts to create a better balance in their ECS which can in turn help with focus, strength, and recovery aspects.

It has been hypothesized that the ECS affects not only our recovery and healing processes, but also plays a substantial role in the potential treatment of stress. This is why having a balanced ECS is important when doing physical activities such as yoga.

cbd yoga blog

Enhancing Focus & Concentration with CBD

Yoga calls upon us to reclaim control of our minds; to become free from the day’s pressures and stresses, while paying attention to the present moment. This requires focus.

Initial research has shown that CBD is involved in the functions of key neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine—both of which play huge roles in our ability to remain focused.

CBD for Reducing Inflammation, Easier Movement, & Healing

Many studies have shown that yoga can slow cellular aging, inflammation, and improve overall brain functioning. If you’re experiencing inflammation or pain that dissuades you from practicing yoga in the first place, CBD could be that extra push to prepare for such an activity.

CBD has been studied as a potential anti-inflammatory agent as well as being effective for pain and recovery, shown again and again to reduce inflammation in areas where relief is needed most.

CBD could also help to alleviate muscle tension/pain, and improve sleep duration. All of these factors will keep you fresh, rested, and ready for your yoga sessions!

Toastyy Products for Yoga

Here at Toastyy, we’re proud to provide our customers with the best natural CBD health products that are intended to enhance relaxation, concentration, and overall body connection.

We want to make you feel empowered to take on the world (and your yoga class) with Toastyy self-care. If you’re looking for something to get you in the right headspace, we make all of our Toastyy products with this in mind!

cbd yoga blog

Toastyy: Proudly Women-Owned

We are a proud member of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC):

“There are 13 million women-owned businesses in the U.S., representing 42% of all businesses. Yet there is still significant disparity in revenue and capital between these business and others. WBENC is helping bridge that gap — through access to opportunities, programs that accelerate growth, and campaigns to influence consumer buying behaviors.”

Whether it’s in the legal hemp industry or elsewhere – Be sure to support women-owned businesses!

*Always consult your physician before making any changes to your health or fitness regimen. 

*Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of Toastyy have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Toastyy uses the highest quality hemp in our product formulations. All products on this website contain .3% THC or less.

WARNING: Cancer & Reproductive Harm –


hemp cbd events los angeles orange county california 2022CategoriesBlog

Upcoming Hemp & CBD and Cannabis Events in Los Angeles & Orange County

As another whirlwind of a year comes to a close, here at Toastyy we’re starting to look forward to 2022 which is shaping up to be the best year yet when it comes to the world of hemp, CBD, and natural wellness. We’ve been loving our recent interactions at CBD events this year, so we’re definitely excited to keep that vibe going into the future. 

Toastyy is proud to be one of the top emerging black-owned and female-owned CBD brands on the market, and because we’re based in Los Angeles, we’re especially looking forward to cannabis and hemp industry events in the area.  

For CBD adventurers and hemp/cannabis lovers, there’s no better time than now to safely get out there and interact with like-minded folks in the natural self-care and wellness community. In this blog we’ll highlight just some of the events happening soon in and around the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. 

CBD Yoga (Los Angeles)

Firstly — Yoga and CBD enthusiasts, this one’s for you! Sponsored by The Artist Tree, CBD Yoga is happening on January 11th, 2022 from 11am to 12:30pm. Come enjoy yoga in an inviting and relaxing space and meet some fellow CBD true believers.

Empowering Conversations: Cannabis in the Black Community (Pasadena)

Next, our Toastyy team believes in the power of hemp/CBD and cannabis to assist in empowering and providing a platform to start meaningful connections within an accepting environment. Empowering Conversations: Cannabis in the Black Community is happening on January 22 at the Jackie Robinson Recreation Center in Pasadena. 

According to the host of this important event, the Therapeutic Play Foundation:

In partnership with the Department of Mental Health and the Black Mental Health Task Force, the Therapeutic Play Foundation is offering a free monthly Wellness event that focuses on decreasing stigma about mental health issues as well as increasing awareness of healthy coping strategies. Each conversation focuses on a different topic.

We want to connect community members to supportive resources and services needed to improve opportunities for healing and wholeness in their lives. 

We also want them to have a great time building relationships with each other via fun and engaging activities such as art, dance, restorative yoga, breath work , drumming and sound healing. Self-Care routines are the secret ingredient to happiness and health. Let us help you learn the strategies and build the community!

Orange County Cannabis Awards (Garden Grove)

Thirdly, the upcoming Orange County Cannabis Awards should surely excite both newcomers and hemp/CBD connoisseurs alike. Per the event description on their site, it’s safe to say the organizers are thrilled:

The 2022 Orange County Cannabis Awards celebrates and rewards the Best in Cannabis in Orange County California! Attend the biggest cannabis awards in Orange County history as we host a ceremony to recognize and appreciate everyone in the Cannabis industry, with an emphasis on individuals and companies that have made a difference in the Orange County Cannabis community.

Join us as we celebrate January 29th 2022 at the Garden Amp 12762 Main St. Garden Grove, Ca 92840 with an evening you won’t forget. Look your best as the VIP Red Carpet starts at 2PM – Awards presentation at 5PM with comedy and music until 10PM. There is no cannabis consumption allowed at this event. Must be 21 and over to attend.

Cannabis Science Conference West (Long Beach)

Finally we have the Cannabis Science Conference West, happening February 2 – 4, 2022 in Long Beach, CA. This event should interest those who are looking to find out more about the specifics of how CBD actually interacts with the human body. Per their website:

Cannabis Science Conference is the world’s largest & fastest growing cannabis science event. Our conferences have a specialized focus on analytical science, medical cannabis, cultivation science, hemp/CBD science & psychedelic science. 

We pull together cannabis industry experts, instrument manufacturers, testing labs, cultivators, research scientists, medical professionals, policy makers and interested novices. 

Our semi-annual event is aimed at improving cannabis science. Join us in Long Beach, CA (February 2-4, 2022) for exciting conferences with keynotes, presentations, round table discussions and exhibits.



Toastyy Babes! If you’re enjoying informational content like this article, be sure to stay tuned to our blog page for the latest product drops, hemp/CBD education and CBD industry news. 

Want to become a Toastyy Affiliate Babe? Affiliate marketing is currently one of the most popular ways to earn a passive income online. Hit Us Up!

toastyy cbd products for eczemaCategoriesBlog

What is CBD?

Summer 2021 is Officially in full swing, and we can’t be more thrilled to be out there again – adventuring, loving life, and working on the best version of ourselves. At Toastyy, we’re proud to bring our natural hemp-derived products to Toastyy Babes, everywhere. Our goal is to help you express your true shine!

We also believe in the vitality of hemp/CBD education and information when it comes to what we’re putting in our bodies, and transparency in regards to what we’re providing to our customers.

In our previous blog, we introduced our brand’s mission and vision, and explained what we mean by the term: Toastyy Babe. Let’s now dig deeper into the educational side of things as we discuss the basics of CBD.

What are Cannabinoids?

Before we get to the particulars of CBD, we must first talk about cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the naturally-occurring compounds that are found within the hemp plant. When the United States legalized hemp at the federal level, this opened the door for more studies into the incredible properties of the hemp plant itself. Currently, there are over 100 known and researched cannabinoids, with more and more seemingly being discovered each year.

What is CBD?

So, what is CBD? CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the above-mentioned 100+ canna-compounds found within the hemp plant. Here are some of the most important aspects of the CBD compound of which both novices and connoisseurs should be aware:

  • The CBD compound was discovered in 1940.
  • CBD is considered to be a ‘major’ component within the hemp plant, in contrast to other ‘minor’ cannabinoids.
  • CBD has been shown to be non-psychoactive, meaning that it will not get you ‘high.’
  • CBD may be inhaled, ingested, and applied topically to the skin.
  • Studies have shown that CBD has the potential to help with various issues associated with the body and mind.

What Kinds of CBD Beauty Products Does Toastyy Offer?

Our products are formulated with CBD oil that comes from CBD-rich hemp flower — proudly grown under the Colorado sun — we use only the best, all-natural hemp that is free of pesticides, herbicides, and solvents.

Read on for some details about our current selection of CBD beauty products for women:

Toastyy CBD Tinctures:

Our Broad Spectrum tinctures are perfect for an active lifestyle, no matter where your adventures take you. You can bring them anywhere, they’re great to infuse into your favorite drinks and food, and they’re discreet and easy to use!

Toastyy CBD Topicals:

Searching for a new, safe way to pamper your skin? Search no further than our Toastyy High CBD Hand & Body Lotion. This creamy topical is full of vitamins, and is designed to soothe and hydrate any troublesome spots, giving Toastyy Babes everywhere the love and nourishment they deserve.

Toastyy CBD Supplements:

Our CBD supplements are for Toastyy Babes everywhere looking for an all-natural boost to their daily routine. We offer two types for the CBD lover or for the CBD-curious: Sunrise (for when you need some healthy energy) & Sunset (for when you’re winding down.)


At Toastyy, our mission is to be your source for the highest quality CBD products, as well as vital hemp/CBD education. 

Hit Us Up! For more info about our brand, press inquiries, potential business partnerships, and questions about becoming a Toastyy retailer — please do not hesitate to visit our contact page, here

Products sold by Toastyy are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.